Quote Originally Posted by Marm View Post
Hmmm thats interesting Geoff. My Davinci is the first printer I've owned, so I have kind of assumed some features were industry standards. After slicing, the file is uploaded to the printer, and off it goes. I can literally unplug the the printer from the USB and it will continue to print. I still have control of the printer through the menu system (pause, cancel). Why do you prefer sending it direct? Isn't that, as you have stated yourself, more error prone?
First, Awesome work Serena!!! that looks very well finished, much better than my first attempt ever went that's for sure! and such a big job, my hats off A bit lost for words really..

@Marm... Pronterface seems to buffer the job to the printer, as it goes.. like replicator G.. whereas from the SD card, it has less opportunity to fail.. I assume from your comment the davinci(being a bit newer than my old flashforge) has a bit more memory and stores the job onboard, much like a common bubbljet or laserprinter converts the print job to PJL, then sends the job and it queues on the device where it's stored locally as it prints...

No my old FF is a bit archaic for that.. but as I said, with makerware and its background service, my old flashy has never really skipped a beat, I gotta say I have made many times over what it cost me to buy.. like, we're up to about 8x my money back, so really I can't complain at all, it's been an awesome machine.