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  1. #35
    Staff Engineer printbus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmay3 View Post
    Yeah for the price it's definitely worth doing the 3 motor replacement (x, y, and extruder) if you have hot running steppers included in the 8" i3v. The two z motors aren't a necessity, though I may do it in the future if I get the itch to upgrade something!
    That's just an example of the value of different opinions. I'm actually considering two for the Z-motors first since that's where I'm struggling. It irritates me to see the print stop and wait for the layer change to complete, and I can't help but wonder if I'm better off optimizing Z feed rate, acceleration, and jerk on what might be "better" motors. The pause at the layer change is right now my biggest issue with print quality. Cura doesn't (that I know of) have the Slic3r-like option to do a retraction for a layer change, and Cura will also typically do all the layer changes at the same spot on each layer. So, most of my prints come out a pretty ugly corner where the nozzle sat at the end of each layer and oozed while the Z motors (slowly) do their thing. And I've had no good luck with the spiralize option in Cura.

    I know I've been a strong proponent of RH and Cura, but I'm starting to think I've outgrown the Cura part. Higher pitch 8mm ACME rods are likely destined for use as my threaded rods at some point, but they're a bit pricey to just go do it, and could create some of their own issues related to feed rate etc. I try to keep 3D printing on as low of a budget line as I can, and all of my 3D printing expenses (Pi, motors, rods, etc.) are on hold until I decide if I'm going to bite on Simplify3D.
    Last edited by printbus; 12-09-2014 at 09:49 PM. Reason: good thing avatars don't show a metric for edits

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