Well I don't own my printer yet, but when I do I am sure I will be in the group conforming to most those items! LOL

Setting alarms to get up through the night to start new prints? Maybe not as I'd likely have long prints running all night.
Now, getting up 2 or 3 times a night to write down a great Idea I just had for printing something later, OK I do that now and I don't even have a printer yet! LOL

Beer Mug? On my list of things to print! LOL
I make my own beer so why not my own mugs to drink it in, and maybe the bottles and caps to transport it. Can I print such things? Food safe?
I have many times wanted to take a bit of beer to my friends at some events, just too much problems trying haul 2-3 cases of glass beer bottles on a motorcycle! Too expensive to buy plastic bottles to toss when empty. Already I am thinking designs for custom bottles friends can keep for event souvenirs.

Might also be a 3D print Junkie if every-time you look at your vehicle you think of something neat you can print for it!
In my case my motorcycles mostly. Although I already thought of a few things my 4X4 truck needs also.