Hi Kal,

Glad you are printing now. I gather from you post that you are talking about the hobbed bolt slipping on the filament? This is a pretty common problem on all extruders. I use a hobby knife to clean the ridges in mine. It is the first thing I do whenever I have any issues with failed prints and I always clean it when I have the extruder or hot end apart.

When you want to disassemble the hot end (or change filament), heat it first and then hit the retract button until you can pull the filament out of the extruder. I've also found the wiring to be difficult to deal with and have pulled out the occasional thermistor too. It helps to unplug the extruder stepper, the thermistor and the heating element from your control board first. Then remove the extruder and hot end together before you start working on them.

Have fun,
