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  1. #1

    3D Scanner comparison

    I have plan to buy 3D scanner but i actually don't know about 3D scanner.
    I found 3 German 3D scanner manufacturer Gom, Steinbichler, breuckmann.
    and one more russian company call RangeVision.
    these three german 3d scanners are very expensive for me over $50,000..
    but this RangeVision is under $30,000 i don't know actual price..
    so can i go with RangeVision ?
    I need 3D scanner for inspection and reverse-engineering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Norfolk, UK
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    It all depends on what you are scanning, the level of accuracy (and more importantly repeatability) that you require. Also is a white/blue light the most appropriate for your task?

    For reverse engineering accuracy generally isn't quite as important as so much more inaccuracy comes from the CAD users skill.

    Your best bet is to contact your local resellers for those that you're most interested in and get them in for a demo. You'll learn a huge amount.

    I also believe some (if not all?) of the brands you named have there cheapest scanners at sub $30k.

  3. #3
    thanks a lot !
    your advice was really helpful for me

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Oakland, CA
    You might also check out the Capture scanner from 3D systems. It's good for capturing highly detailed parts, and comes bundled with reverse-engineering and inspection software. You can get it and the software for the price of the other scanners alone. See the Scanning section of my site for more details.

    Andrew Werby

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