Hi Geoff. I see you own maybe several flashforge. My question to you and maybe others in the forum. Am thinking of buying a 3d printer my first. And am decided between the flashforge creator pro, dreamer or makerfarm i3v 12 inch. I don't mine the assembly but one reason I picked the 12 is because of the bed size. Do you think I'll use the whole bed size. Or I'll be comfortable with a flashforge bed size. And what you think would be a better 3d printer the creator pro or the dreamer. Flashforge USA has a special I think for 950 for Blackfriday.

Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
Thanks mate, yep you guessed it, soldering iron for the scratch marks. I am currently filming some video tutorials, as most of the painting I do is just a progression of painting lots of models as a kid, and 3D printed things are no different really, just require a bit more finishing. Prime undercoat, dry brush over the top with some gloss enamel to finish it off, nothing special really, just a few decades of practice But I think I can simmer it down into 1 or 2 youtibe vids'. I just want to help people make their prints not look so drab, and with even 30 mins to an hour its easily possible for someone who's never even painted a model before. Alot of my painting is not down to skill, it's just technique, and it's a repeatable technique that you can apply to pretty much all model painting.

I still don't find I can get the detail I am after with regular 3D prints, thats why I want to get into SLA printing more because they are more akin to a resin or vinyl model kit which is what I am used to painting more.

I am currently working on 2 really big ones, one is a full size Robocop helmet and the other a life size poseable facehugger.. and boy is that gonna be popular.. all fully articulated with posable fingers etc...

Put it this way, when I say I do alot of printing..

this is just my surplus batch... because all my air tight containers are full of the new rolls (+ 3 machines loaded.. )

Amazingly my wife hasn't cut any of my gonads off yet.. She told me no more than one printer, I am nearly at 4 now and its taken over an office hahaha

photo (14).jpg