Quote Originally Posted by Brian_Krassenstein View Post
We my be much closer to the world's first 3D printed organs than many have thought. A Russian company called 3D Bioprinting Solutions claim that they will have 3D printed a thyroid gland for the implantation within a mouse within 4-5 months, with a Kidney on its way by 2018. They then hope to scale these up for human trials, possibly saving tens of thousands of lives every years. More details on this company and just how they are using 3D printing to eventually print a thyroid gland and kidney can be found here: http://3dprint.com/23805/bioprinted-throid-kidney

Let's hear your thoughts... Will all this be possible within just three to four years? Here is a look at one of their 3d bioprinters:
While I'm far from a scientist, this sounds extremely encouraging given the disparaging symptoms associated with thyroid disease and the fact that so many suffer from thyroid disease. I myself had thyroid cancer three years ago and it was suggested to me to remove my thyroid completely which is what I did. When I lost my thyroid gland, I lost my general overall health. I am sensitive to everything and everything affects me differently. I continuously gain weight, despite the fact that I eat an extremely healthy and restrictive diet and exercise regularly. I used to be extremely petite, and since my thyroid started "acting up", I put on at least 25 lbs. I am sensitive to many things I wasn't sensitive to before including gluten, coffee, and grains. I went through a long period where my immune system was compromised after the removal of my thyroid gland. Now I gain weight at simply drinking a coffee everyday. I suffer from edema and go through periods where my fingers swell up so much I can't wear my rings. There are too many things I can mention here, really. What I can say is that if I can have the chance of having a healthy thyroid once again without risks, I would jump at it. Period.