Well, if what I've been reporting really affects your decision making, be aware that I've returned mine to Home Depot.

I was completely honest with them in that I told them that while it printed with their included role of PLA really well, I bought a second role of one of Dremel's other colors (the translucent white) and had nothing but problems with it on anything over about 1-1/2" long. At the cost of their proprietary filament, which is double normal, how many other issues might I have with their PLA, and using anyone else's PLA voids Dremel's warranty. Add that to the fact that I've already come to the realization that I won't be happy printing only in PLA, and this is why it's going back. There were zero problem with returning it (other than having to wait for a manager to come sign off on it because it was over a grand *with tax*).