Quote Originally Posted by BgHurt View Post
trying more things, it appears as though my Z axis will not move when the Z probe is down and the Z endpoint is engaged. So telling it to move does nothing as the Z endpoint is still triggered. When the Z probe retracts, it will then move the Z axis if needed. But by that time, the Z move has already passed by.

Is there a configuration.h setting that I messed up that will not allow the Z to move while the endpoint in triggered?
Good work figuring out it is something else causing the Z to not move!!! I'm wondering if you are taking too much power from your power supply when you have the Z-Probe engaged and that is keeping the Z motors from moving? But here is something that doesn't make sense to me: How can you be probing the bed if the Z axis won't move when the Z-Endpoint is engaged? As soon as it touches the bed, it will freeze and not go up any more? Is that correct?

Any way... I'm glad you figured out that extra information because for sure that is going to be helpful in getting you going.

OH! And there isn't a configuration option to keep the Z axis from moving while the endpoint is triggered. But I could imagine a situation where you have the wrong values for your Z offset and if you have #define DISABLE_MIN_ENDSTOPS commented out... It might not want to move after it sets the Zero point.