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  1. #1

    About to Buy my 1st Printer -- Need Advice

    Hey guys, I'm about to buy my first printer and want some advice...

    I've never done any type of 3d modeling, which is ok because I'm a learn as you go type guys anyways, but I'm under the impression that there are select printers out there that come with their own modeling software, is that correct?

    Basically I'm trying to determine if there is an all in one package out there somewhere or if I'm going to have to purchase a printer and software (solidworks, catia? what do you guys use?) separately...

    also feel free to suggest your favorite printer. Don't want to spend over 1400 since its just my 1st one.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Oakland, CA
    I don't know of any printers that come with modeling software by default, but it's not a bad idea. However Solidworks and Catia each cost a lot more than your stated budget, and that's without a printer. If that's all you've got to spend, you're going to be limited to free or relatively inexpensive software and a FDM printer. Actually, if you've never done 3D modeling, I'd suggest you concentrate on that first, and send your models out for printing, at least initially. You can try a variety of printers that way, without being stuck with the limitations of any of them.

    The choice of software really depends on what you want to make, and how your head works. I'd say try demo versions of a few different ones that seem to be oriented towards the type of parts you're interested in producing, and see how you get along with them before paying any major money.

    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Sketchup of course is free, and very simple to start making shapes. You just need the .stl plugin.

  4. #4
    Is the .stl plugin for sketchup free also?

  5. #5
    Engineer-in-Training ssayer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Lakeville, Michigan
    Blender is pretty good free software also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    This is the printer I just recently purchased, for about the same price you are looking to spend. So far it's great, you can read through all the reviews on amazon for the pro's and con's ect. It also has it's own section on this forum also, and everyone here has been very helpful. I have been using Makerware for all my slicing, which is free, and pretty simple to use. Slic3r is pretty good also, although a little harder to learn then makerware, I have not got much into that. Although I really am contemplating buying Simplify3D because it look's super good. But that, on the other hand, is $140.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Montreal, Quebec
    It is worth spending money to register into some college for 3D modeling course. You may not want to learn by yourself. 3D modeling can be a pain in the butt if you self learn.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Is the .stl plugin for sketchup free also?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 3DPBuser View Post
    Thanks mate.

  10. #10
    I was looking to get into 3d printing over a year ago and settled on the FlashForge Creator. I think I paid around $1200 at the time. It's been a great printer as far as I can tell. Mine was the cheaper model at the time without doors or a top enclosure and I have just recently added those myself, which I think is an absolute must.

    I tried various software packages, Replicator G came with my printer, and was actually pretty good. I then moved on to try slic3r, but was having problems with bridging. Just a week ago, I dropped the $140 on Simplify3d. I have to say it's been the best by far. It really is as good as the reviews claim. The very best prints I have made have been with this software.

    Now I'm trying to resist the urge to build a reprap delta style printer.

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