Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
If it's PLA, you can go all the way down to 180c probably, personally I would try at 200c and see the result. If it sounds like its straining or clicking at all, raise it of course but see how you go at 200c. The cooler it is the less goopy and the less spider webbing also. 200-210c seems to be what I print most of my PLA at these days, with very small variances like 205c.. or 195c...

On a Big model, I would set my retraction to around 30-40ms and the extraction amount to about 2.0

On a REALLY big model probably a higher extraction amount like 3.0. The small things you print only require a small retraction usually and you can do it pretty fast, like 40-50ms.
You guys are totally the best!!! I tried 220 and it did not work, changed to 200 and there is very very little webbing, ill try 180 next
Its a different part, but this one had the exact same issue and now there are little threads, before it was thick spider webs like on the other part.

2014-11-15 07.00.13.jpg

Geoff, I do have a question, since lower seems better, sounds like I should just keep lowering till the webs are gone and stick with that, are there any advantages to higher temp? stronger etc?

Since there are no odd noises at 200 maybe I can get this last bit of webbing out by changing to 180c

Currently I am using this and the webs are almost gone.
extruderTemp: 200
retractDistance: 2.5
retractRate: 35