Is that a Hexagon hotend? What nozzle size? And what layer height are you printing from Cura. The reason I ask is I have the same printer, Hexagon HE, .40 nozzle and I have never had acceptable results at a .4 layer height, but .2 is very good (generally .3 first layer). It looks like none of your prints are printing that well and have lots of artifacting and small areas that are not printing well throughout the print and the layer overhang I see on the side looks like when I print at .4. That printer is capable of a lot better than that. I am relative newbie to this, so it's not like I have tons of experience printing. I would be happy to post a pic of a recent print of mine so you know the printer can do (in the hands of a novice) if you like. Also, I have found for me, Slic3r is giving me overall better print quality. Especially the first layer. I prefer the UI of Cura, but Slic3r just gives me better prints. I'm using the 1.20 experimental version of Slic3r. But that just might be my inexperience.