Quote Originally Posted by jdg56 View Post
Hi all,

I recently had to have my old PowerSpec 3D X printer replaced under warranty. The store didn't have the 3D X, so they let me return that printer and purchase a 3DPro as a replacement. If you have to panic for a weekend about a dead printer, that's not a bad resolution to the problem, I suppose.

When I unboxed the printer, the first thing I did was go to level the bed. The leveling utility centered the head, brought up the bed, and then just said 'Press M when level'. I went to the book, which said to manually move the extruder around and level the bed. This is as compared to the multiple automatic moves to level the head in the 3D X.

I started to look around the tools on the system and I see that it recognizes folders, it recognizes and scrolls long file names, and it supports ditto print.

My question is (does our Flash Forge guy still pop in to the forum on occasion?), did they switch to Sailfish firmware at some recent point, or did the Makerbot/Flash Forge firmware just get updated to include some of the Sailfish features? I got the new Pro on 10/13. I looked at some of the system info screens, but don't know what identifiers to look for to indicate it might be Sailfish firmware.

Thanks for any info anyone might have.


Yep, the leveling script is old school. To get the bed absolutely level sometimes you have to go around the plate a few times. It is easier and faster to push the print head around manually than to go through the script multiple times.