Pardon the all-caps, but I just got this email from Makerbot:

Thank you for working with MakerBot Support
Case Number: 00222903

Hi there, We haven't heard from you since the Technical Support Expert you were working with reached out about 10 days ago.
Has your issue been resolved? Let us know if there’s anything else related to this issue which we can do to help. If you do not, this case will automatically close in 5 days, at which point you’ll need to open a new one in order to proceed. Please note that should you need to open a new case due to inactivity you will need to provide us with case #00222903 in order for us to relate that case with this one. If this is a Single-Issue Support case, you will need to pay the $100 fee once more.
Best, MakerBot Support

$100 for one support case? Who do they think they're kidding?????? How am I supposed to sell their gosh darn printers if they won't even stand behind their product when it is DEFECTIVE?????