I got the MakerFarm i3v 10" about 2 months ago. It was my first experience with 3D printing so the learning curve has been pretty steep. It is turning out very good prints and I'm very happy with it. I also setup the ABL with the same thingivers items you did nefi and it makes a very big difference in print quality. Well worth the effort to figure out. One of my biggest challenges was getting rid of warp with ABS. PLA was printing great but I struggled with ABS until I read a post on this forum by Prinbus that said to turn the Hexagon cooling fan around so it was drawing air through the heatsink fins rather than the stock setup of blowing air through the heatsink. Just that change stopped all warp for me and now I can print both ABS and PLA great... and it was a 5 minute fix. It appears that blowing through the heatsink allows the air to bounce off the back of the X-carriage and blow back on the print causing the warp. If you haven't tried that yet, give it a shot, great tip by Printbus.