As i am a university student, i don't exactly have a lot of money. I haven't really set a pricepoint, for exactly the reasons you mentioned. People can find a perfect printer in the states, but with shipping, taxes and other add-ons, it really could very well double the cost. However, i do find that the robox seem to have a lot of bang for the buck. My only concern is that the print size isn't exactly big.

I am from Denmark, which isn't exactly a big market due to our small size.

Another printer i was looking at was the XYZprinting davinci, which seems pretty cheap, and i am able to find a reseller in Denmark. However, it doesn't seem to have a heated bed, which really does seem like the only problem. a 100 microns is not exactly the best, but for a first 3d printer, it seems quite fine, what do you people think?