I would love to take a course on 3D printing. But $300 for a 3 hour class seems quite expensive. And, I'm not sure that they can provide a good level of understanding and intro with hands on in 3 hours to allow a beginner to leave with the tools and knowledge necessary to begin working productively with the technology. Using today's off the shelf electronics, its easy to throw together a circuit that would be useful, but creating a case would be half the challenge to make it useful around the house or on the job. Learning in a course how to manipulate the software to produce an item from scratch to fit a particular need is the kind of course I am interested in. Probably more along the lines as jimc stated as a local community college course with perhaps an advanced follow up course the next semester. Knowing how to download a file and press a button to print is nice, but does not approach the level of knowledge necessary to become productively useful.