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  1. #41
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    Been having some good success with the last few prints.
    Just a tiny bit of lifting on the edges of a couple of the larger prints, but not bad, not enough to ruin the prints.
    but as i print larger and larger items I need to trouble shoot that further.

    I also think the click/creak I am hearing MIGHT be coming from the bed.
    Maybe the heat bed shifting on the coardboard? or the glass and heatbed sqeeking together?
    I am going to run a test some time with no filament in the extruder and see if it sounds the same.

    Have a couple questions concerning layer height and print speeds.
    I have left Cura speeds at the default 50mm/s, I think fill is defaulted at 100, or 150mm/s?
    Some prints I have cranked F/R on the Prusa controller up to about 122%.. so that would mean its printing at about 61mm/s correct?
    I cant find much on good speeds to run the Prusa at, but did find a few say they run 60 to 70mm/s so I figured I was safe.
    The print quality seems to still be fine, and it was on parts that the fit and finish really wasnt that important, long as it was strong.

    Which leads me to my next question, how thick can I set layer heights to?
    There are things that I just dont need that much detail out of, just need it to hold together well.
    If the finish is rough thats ok for some things, would just be nice to be able to make prints faster for some things.
    Prime example is this Spool Holder Cone I did. Came out great, but I would gladly give up some fit and finish on it to make a faster print.
    Any ideas or tips for faster prints like this?

    Settings for Spool Holder Cone
    layer height= 0.24
    shell= 0.8
    top/bottom= 1.2
    fill= 12%
    Head= 230
    Bed= 90
    print speed= 50mm/s (Prusa turned up to 122% about 15% into the print)
    print time= 2 hours 16 min.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Just want to say, I too get the clicks and pops. I tried loosening it off to gradually, to the point where it stopped extruding filament reliably, and the noise was there throughout. I am wondering though if perhaps the noise is the fine particles rubbing off of the gears. I noted that my extruder was dead silent for the first few prints, but since has had the same noise you describe. The only difference is that I can see some build up of worn plastic on the gears, I wonder if that is the culprit.

  3. #43
    Staff Engineer printbus's Avatar
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    jtice - I think clough42 runs 100mm/sec prints all the time. I've done some that fast, but I'm usually not in a hurry and prefer slower & quieter. You might find that your speed limitation is how well you can draw heat out of the print between layers, assuming you're printing PLA.

    On the maximum layer height, I captured a note from somewhere that said a good rule of thumb is 0.8 * nozzle size.

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Finally finished up my spool holder today. I like that its up high and out of the way of the printer.
    It rolls super easy and smooth on the bearings, should work great.


  5. #45
    Join Date
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    More successful prints!

    I still need to tweak the extruder tension some I guess, had a print fail 1:45 into the print due to filament slipping the other day
    Seems I am either breaking it, or its slipping. The extruder also sounds like its grinding sand at times also, but I cleaned it all out the other day.
    I noticed the guidelier will move in and out just a tiiiiny bit at times, almost suggesting the hobbed bolt is bent, but I really dont think thats the case.
    May be a bearing issue, will just have to keep an eye on it.

  6. #46
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Here is a cool Nautilus Gear that I found on ThingiVerse and modified to work better. The warmed over version (here) will rotate and mesh nicely at the transition.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Printed it today, it turned out great!!!
    Fits nice and tight and operates really well, good work.

  8. #48
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    so what is that supposed to do/be used for?

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    mindless entertainment as I sit here at my desk playing with it? lol

    Just a neat print, there are alot of them out there, that have odd shaped gears that dont look like they would mesh, but they do.

  10. #50
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Great photos and time lapse of your build. Thanks for that. And, it looks like it was a 2 Killians job. My took a Seriously, that 10" version looks really nice. Good post 'jtice.'
    Bambu P1S/AMS

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