Quote Originally Posted by Petmagnet13 View Post
I've had my flashforge for about 8 months now, running it off of makerware. I noticed you said running the machine at a 90mm/150mm will kill it, but makerware's default speeds are these. My question is what happens to the machine, and is mine about to die, since I've been printing at these speeds for so long?
Missed this one originally, sorry..

I wondered about that also. When you hit default in makerware, its feeding at 90ms.

Can any of you guys print that fast? and I mean actually in some form of decent quality? I sure can't Since it is makerware, and was designed for makerbots I really did not read too much into that default setting, I just played with them until I literally found the magic setting for each print.

Honestly, the best I can get from my Flashforge is 75ms feed and 120 travel at 0.3mm.

If I try and print at 0.2mm using the same settings, the print is not good.

So far the fastest I can print is on the kossel, which Im up to 110ms feed and 150 travel, and still stable printing aiming for 120ms, but needed a geared stepper to go above 70-80ms