Quote Originally Posted by Serena View Post
Yes I completely agree on the "bloopy-ness". So just to clarify my understanding- when you are bridging and it droops down the material is staying hot too long and needs to harden up quicker so I can either add fans, decrease temps or increase the speed during that section. Or possibly combinations of those. I will be working with temps first- since those are easiest for me to tweak. I havent tried a print where I adjusted the speed manually during different sections ( I am assuming you can do that?) so i will have to learn that next. So much to learn! It's so much fun though! I can't even believe how much I'm enjoying this. I literally cannot wait to get home and play.
Yes, you got it.
Adjusting speed during different sections depends on the software: some can increase/decrease speed and/or extrusion rate during bridging (and then you can of course define what the software should see as a 'bridge'.
Other software allows you to create different processes for sections, thus allowing to create a section with a different speed.
If you do a lot of gcode editing you can probably do even more.. but I cannot confirm this. I only have experience with the above - but even that (changing speed/temp during a build) is not something you have/want to do often, because it's a lot of experimenting and doesn't necessarily give better results.
I currently have two setting-profiles; one for parts with infill and one for hollow parts. I open them and adjust some settings depending on the print, save it to SD, and start the build. (assuming my bed is level)

But I agree, it's a lot of fun to play with and there's is a lot to learn and even a lot to experiment in areas that others didn't dig that deep in yet.