What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
Markus kayser's solar powered sintering machine. Uses solar power for the electrics and a giant fresnel lens to focus the sun to melt sand into glass.

So once you've got the machine all you need is sun and sand to produce a lot of very useful items. Would be brilliant in refugee camps in the middle east & africa.

- If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

Well it would include a 3d scanner that could scan the interior and exterior of an object and duplicate the different materials. The printer would be multi material and capable of printing both circuitry and super capacitors (should replace standard batteries fairly soon) . essentially it would be able to make an exact copy of just about anything. From a television down to a plastic spoon. Oled technology is printable - so you would even be able to add screens to things.
And the technology is nearly there :-)