I look forward to what you can do with the Nylon.

Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
That buildtak stuff is quite expensive - how durable does it feel ?
IE: how long will it last before holes appear. And is it soft or firm. Is it going to just lift if something warps ?
As a disclaimer: I only have the Buildtak surfaces for a week now and ran about 10-20 prints on them of small sizes in either PLA or ABS. (So not THAT much experience with it....)
Having said that; for me it's a good build surface.
It is a few mm thick, and feels really durable. The bottom is super sticky (difficult to align correctly to your aluminum plate because it sticks immediately. The top is some sort of 'matte finished flexible hard plastic'.

The top gives me really good stick with ABS, and 'ok' stick with PLA (but I solved this by applying just a little bit of glue before each print!) - and the top gives a really nice smooth surface to the print; my first layers are better then what they were on kapton or blue tape (DO NOTE that I was less experienced when I used those other surfaces; so maybe I just did it wrong.)

Regarding durability; if you have to 'scrape' your part off (had this problem at the start with ABS that was sticking too well) then you see that the surface becomes a bit smoother at that point, but after good leveling it sticks good now, but is still easy to remove.
Also; I had the extruder head (when it's 230 degrees!) hit the Buildtak surface a few times; this creates a small dent in the surface (no through holes - probably not possible due to few mm thickness, but who knows?) , but doesn't break the surface and it doesn't seem to have any effect on my print quality (yet).

Hope this helps you/gives you an idea of what it is.