Wow. Where to start. For $600, the solidoodle 4 ( ) would be awesome. I didn't realize it was on such a deep discount. It has me rethinking the printrbot kit I was more or less settled on. The creator x would also be pretty awesome ( ) I like the dual extruders and it seems to be a great printer. In reality most of your printers would be awesome to try since I'm still a newb and eager to get my hands on a printer to start building my ideas and my skills. Over the last year I've found myself at the MakerGeeks sight a number of times wanting and wishing. With so many options for printers it's tough for a hobby level person like me to decide on a first printer. I had more or less decideded on a printrbot kit since I like to build things and the cost is so low that I can justify it even with my apprehension of buying the "wrong printer". But that solidoodle though.....