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  1. #1

    Teaching myself to be a modeller

    I'm a decent artist, and know a bit about architecture. However, I really want to get into modelling for 3D printing. Can anyone suggest where I can get started? I know I have a lot to learn. Are there any good websites or books you'd suggest?

  2. #2
    Engineer-in-Training nka's Avatar
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    Sep 2013
    Quebec, Canada
    What 3D Printer do you have?

    Do you want to learn 3D in general or only for 3D Printing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    new jersey
    pick a 3d software you want to learn first. this will depend on the type of modeling you want to do. i personally use rhino which is fantastic and easy for a professional program. it is more for architecture, mechanical parts, etc. its not the type of program you would use for organic shapes or characters. alot of people seem to use zbrush for that stuff. once you have your software chosen go to and see if they have a video tutorial on it. i know they have one for rhino. there is alot of free software out there and when i started i tried many of them. they make it very easy to do easy things but i found them to be difficult and frustrating to do anything even slightly complex due to lack of tools. you get what you pay for i guess.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by nka View Post
    What 3D Printer do you have?

    Do you want to learn 3D in general or only for 3D Printing?
    I have a Replicator 2 now
    Mostly just want to learn for 3D Printing.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    A year before I bought my machine I knew modelling was going to be a primary concern, so I picked up Blender (free)

    It can look a little daunting if you have never used a modelling program before, but the main point of using blender, besides it being free, is it can import native STL files and you can edit the mesh quite easily. Making things from scratch is very simple, and there are things that you can do that say, tinkercad can't

    Tinker cad is great for small things, but it has such a lack of features it will diminish your final output, whereas blender you really can make anything you want. I started with some small youtube tutorials and eventually got into 3d modelling for games, a year practicing that before i got my printer meant I was more than ready to make whatever I wanted when I finally decided to purchase it, and I'm sure glad I did the study because it's made everything so much better. Everyone else I know with a 3d printer is getting me to model their stuff lol

    Take a look at my youtube channel, every single mod I made for the game kerbal space program I did in blender, and every single one of them is 3d printable..

    That being said, if you do pick up blender and need some help, give me a hollar. Once you get your head around the important hot keys, you will be zooming around in it in no time.
    Last edited by Geoff; 11-22-2013 at 05:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Engineer-in-Training nka's Avatar
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    Quebec, Canada
    Need something very fast and simple : ThinkerCAD or Autodesk 123D.
    Need something fast, a liitle more complex : SketchUP.
    Need more freedom with 3D : Blender.
    Feeling going hardcore for rendering (not 3D Printing) or animation : 3Ds MAX.

    I would use them like this !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Very true nka !
    I support your list, but my 3rd option is Cubify Invent.

  8. #8
    If you want to make more organic type models I would suggest starting with Sculptris. It's very easy and it's free.

  9. #9
    Thanks for all the great info guys! I just checked out Sculptris this morning. Not sure it's my thing. I really do think ThinkerCAD and Sketchup will be my cup of tea.

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