Well after some more research I decided on the Prusa i3v 10"
Placed my order on the 31st. Now I am watching for an email saying it has shipped, very excited !!!

I have ordered both PLA and ABS filament, seems PLA is easier to work with, but I think I might start with ABS,
only due to the fact that there are some printer parts I want to get printed right after I do a few test prints.
Improved Hex Cooling
Stepper Motor Cooler
Additional Fan Cooling Duct
End Stop Adjustment Bracket

What other replacement printer parts should I print first? And where can I get the files for these?

Also, what is the main programs you guys like for the Prusa?
I have played around with some of the software, I think I like Sli3er the best, but wasnt sure if it liked the Prusa ?
And are you choosing the RepRap printer as printer type in these programs?
Didnt know if there was anything in particular I needed to do as far as settings for this particular printer. (aside from the typical trial and error tuning)