Yea it comes with "MatterControl". It has a simpler UI compared to other programs but still powerful.

It also comes with a "Getting Started" video to walk you through MatterControl and setting up your printer.

I watched many youtube video tutorials before I even touched a printer and it saved me a lot of time. look up videos on "slicer settings". I use the Cura slicing engine over Slic3r any day everyday. MatterSlice is just as good as cura just a couple different settings.

As far as which programs to look into.. I go back and forth between RepetierHost and MatterControl all the time.

I use matter control to slice my parts into .gcode files and use repetieir for running my prints most of the time. Each program is capable of standing on its own tho I just use both.

It'll take a bit, but once you get the hold of MC and RepeteirHost I would recommend the more advance software "CraftWare". Craftware has a built in slicing engine that is more in depth than Cura or Slic3r and has perfect breakaway support settings but is far more complicated.

If you don't know at all what Im talkin about you will know real soon haha it looks and sounds intimidating at a distance but 3D printing is a fun experience once you have the basics. The beginning may be some trial and error but you'll pick it up quick especially with a Robo!

Keep us updated on when you get your printer, how long it took to arrive, first prints. Robo3D has their own forums which have a nice little community growing your sure to get more responses posting about your Robo on there. There's also a Facebook page called "Robo3D Owners" run by customers that's usually active too. Hope your Robo comes soon! Happy printing!