Quote Originally Posted by nka View Post
Altrougt I love the Delta design. I'll be moving to the CoreXY. Just becose I dont have the time to tune it right... and I'll wish to have something a little bigger than 170mm. And it should be more solid (less chance of having to recalibrate when moving it.
Can you clarify something for me please?

The Core X/Y.

Is that basically what my flashforge is? Z moves up down, the carriage moves X/Y?

I agree strongly on the moving the printer comment, I can put my flashforge on its SIDE and it will still print (I am not joking... it will print at 90 degrees and the steppers are strong enough to hold it all ) I flipped it up to check underneath when it was printing once, I left it standing on its side and the print was not affected at all, should video it actually!)

The delta, if you pick it up the frame can flex and thats bad as you know... luckily the autolevel does do a good job and compensates somewhat.