if for no other reason I prefer makerware - NOT the new desktop version (that really sucks) - it slices about 30 times faster than rep g.
Also the whole interface is pretty good. Okay you've got no layer control. But so far I've been happy printing from a raft.
It has the advantage of giving about 99% perfect prints.
I do have a small variety of plastic blobs and a trunkless LS elephant. But, they are pretty rare. I normally just hit print from sd card, wait till it's got the raft going witjout any sticky-up bits, and then just leave her to her own devices.

I'll keep trying to use slic3r/gcode/gpx combo. But probably have to upgrade firmware first - and that's proving a bit tricky :-)

I keep hoping that given the increasing number of FF and other brand makerbot clones, that someone, somewhere will adapt or produce some alternative software to run the machines. But in the meantime, just being able to hit: 'print' and confidently go do something else - has it's merits :-)