I've left the stock flexible tubing for my z-couplers for the time being. I used them on my printrbot and never had much issue, so didn't feel a huge need to change it up here.

Some notes on my assembly thus far (just have to finish the wiring)

- It is indeed a larger version of the 8, the y axis rails actually stick out a bit past the end carriage, I made a modification there, and added a printed piece that allows me to use a longish screw to contact the z end-stop, that makes it easier to adjust the z height instead of messing around with the switch itself.
- The relay is included, and the video's and guide make it very easy to understand how to wire it all up, nothing hard to do.
- I used the printed belt guides mentioned earlier, they really work well and seem to have no issues.
- Your heat bed may have some significant warp to it, and colin confirmed none of them are entirely flat, but it will fit and work fine when its attached to a good piece of glass.
- I had to do some light sanding and filing on the printed extruder to get things to match up properly, most prominently was the area where the bearing for the hobbled bolt is, needed to sand this to get the hobbled bolt to line up with the extruder correctly
- Lastly, I noticed on some pieces, namely on the hot end carriage, that the pieces were not laser cut perfectly square. This meant some of the edges had a bit of a chamfer to them. it still assembled fine as long as I was careful, and should not pose an issue, but it was something I hadn't noticed in other kits.

Overall, I am very very pleased with this kit. For the price, you can't beat the print size and feature. The unit really does feel very solid, and coming from printrbots, it feels very very rigid. The kit does not have everything, namely the PSU, glass (or binder clips for holding the glass) Depending on the PSU, you may need to source some wire to connect it from the PSU to the RAMPS, but otherwise, I am very very pleased with it. There's plenty of extras included and Colin's videos and documentation really are top notch! Can't wait to get it fired up and running!
