Quote Originally Posted by 3DPBuser View Post
I think you can re-launch on KS too; no need to go to IGG.
KS won't let you relaunch until you fulfill your current obligations. AFAIK, there's never been an attempt to "Refund & Relaunch" - and remember KS took their 5% off the top, along with 3-5% to Amazon.. In any event, he didn't sell all his KS slots, and is still languishing sub 5 additional units sold on IndieGogo - didn't realize backers there were that much smarter than Kickstarter - guess those 100's of folks looking for printers changed their minds.

Quote Originally Posted by Zenica View Post

Your explanation is very plausible and the more I think about it, seems very very likely.

It is the "missing link" explanation that accounts for all of the variables. The name of
his printer even fits...he happened upon these parts and cobbled a printer together with
the intention of selling the parts.

I'm not sure I buy this one - if all he were trying to do was capitalize on a stock of parts, why go to all the sillyness of an unproven design? If he'd simply copied a more traditional design and kept the price at $299, he would have sold at least the same number. If he'd actually had a video of a working printer, I'm convinced he'd have touched $1m.

I do feel for 99% of the current backers. The 1% of the backers who don't own printers but were the comment section "experts" are at least as culpable as Jeremiah - and deserve what's delivered.