Yeah, I agree about the pricing being high now because it's a specialty filament, I bought a broken filastuder and fixed it up a few months ago, all pellets cost nearly the same, even polycarbonate. However, filament prices vary a huge amount more just because it's a specialty filament. I believe shipping is included in the pledge price(That's how it is on kickstarter, but it might be different on Indiegogo, so correct me if i'm wrong). PET might become popular as a filament, but it would take time to get people out of their PLA/ABS. I don't think that FDM has very much time left on it (my guess is around 5-10 years) before other forms, or new forms of 3D printing start taking over, SLS patents are expiring, Photosensitive resin printers are gaining popularity, and new technologies are always in development.