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  1. #5
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cadsurf View Post
    Yes, I'd be happy to explain it! I checked, and I think you missed the FAQ link in the top navbar on the page next to the "About Us" button. Anyway, here's a link: Thank you for your ideas, we always need to be improving our communication and make sure the customer is educated and happy.

    Currently, we support Makerbots, Ultimakers, and any RepRap based desktop 3D printers. Of course everyday we are improving on the software to expand our compatibility with different and new printers.

    I am surprised that you have heard that designers are the ones who do not like streaming. Your criticisms sound more like what an end-user would be concerned about. For designers the benefits are the quick and painless ability to earn money from their hard work with protection of their IP.

    When you buy something from, you are provided with streaming links (buttons) for the parts. When you click on that link there is a widget page that controls the streaming process. You can add your printer once the first time, and then you can begin printing. You are able to select a few settings regarding specs of the print, that too we are always working to expand capability of. Once you click "Print", there is a progress bar and you are able to monitor the status and completion of the print.

    If like you said there is a failure for any reason, you are allowed to cancel it and retry one more time. Since right now the service is not 100% perfect like all new tech, if the second try printing fails as well we will give you a full refund. If you request it, our policy is to ship you a completed print of the object free of any charge including shipping.

    I should point out that we are very committed to ensuring that the prints and our service as a whole function smoothly. We test each object that's for sale on our site through the end-user process before we allow it to be for sale. We take print fails and customer service very seriously.

    Given that you are the Super Moderator, I'd be happy to post an object for $0.00 on the site for you to buy, so you can use the service and give me specific feedback about it.

    Hi Eric, thanks for your reply, and no my criticisms are more aimed at companies that are trying to make money under the guise of protecting IP rights of individual designers, not that I am suggesting you guys are but that's just been the general feel.

    Personally, having been printing so long, and the fact that some complex print jobs of mine can take several attempts depending on the model, I won't use a streaming service myself to print things. To sell things and make money, sure who doesn't want to do that?

    I also make large printable models, face masks etc, helmets...

    Some of these are in 30 + pieces so they can be printed on a regular machine, the problem is we are talking someone streaming 30+ prints for the one build from your site, and I really don't think you are at the stage where you can guarantee 30+ direct streamed prints without fail, and even with a 50% rate and a chance at a second print, it just doesn't seem like a good system and if anything would infuriate an end user who is trying to print something.

    If someone uses a streaming service, I would assume them to be someone who cannot model anything to save their lives, otherwise they would have made it and printed it in-house, or at least attempted it. With so many free 3D sites with readily available content in the millions, you are really on a tough track, i wish you the best of luck.
    Last edited by Geoff; 08-13-2014 at 05:15 PM.

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