I agree, no way this completes successfully.

As far as the heated bed comments go, the biggest i could find was 12x12. Finding one probably isn't the cobblebot creators biggest problem. cost and powering it will. It'll need a dedicated power supply just to power it.
12" x 12" http://store.quintessentialuniversal...?id_product=29

I feel bad for those who invested.

I watched cobblebot progress but chose to back a craftbot that was on indiegogo, I have much more confidence on that and @$500 it doesn't break the bank. Also, there is a sound development cycle and a creator how responds intelligently to questions. After indiegogo backers get their machines, the price will rise too to 699 I believe.

I also agree there is no way the yoda was printed on a cobblebot. The first videos that appeared on the KS showing movement were terrible. The circular movement was terribly jerky. I am sad this has found it's way to indiegogo where more people will lose money waiting for a box of parts.