Oh and for the benefit of the doubt, maybe the build quality is better?

Please forgive the point and shoot image quality, the good Nikon's at home, but trust me, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish which one was made on the Rep 2 and which one was made on the 5th Gen. Remember, not only does the actual build take 4 times longer, but you have that 15 minute Z-height and warmup procedure before the timer starts ticking.

A couple other random observations that i hadn't mentioned before...

The 5th Gen is noticeably louder than the Rep 2. In fact it is now our 2nd loudest machine after the Z-Morph, which is in a class by itself. But then, the Z-Morph is about 5 times faster and every bit as good. The stepper motors are really musical though, second only to our plywood Type A machines Series 1.