Quote Originally Posted by bshadown View Post
Theres too many printer at the moment, most of them above the 1000 dollars Tag, is not about which one you want, Its about which one you need, you aré a thinker/hobbist get a prusa, you dont want to mess with técnicall Stuff get a makerbot, what aré you planing to build and using what materials?

give us moré info and Meabe we can show you a better direcction, Meabe not the Best one but a moré accurate one, cheers

PS: search the forum first Plz, this tópic has been cover many times, do it before the trolls wake up and get Hungry

just looking for something affordable, that has a good print quality, has a good amount of support.

don't want to get a product that has a little user base.

i like the makerbot but its price is more than i want to spend. looking to get my feet wet.