Thanks Roxy for confirming that. I assumed that it would be good to have the break; there. I know just enough code (but learning every day) to Frankenstein it together. I haven't studied programming and just don't understand how to write the logic.

I have autoleveling working well and have gone back over this long thread again. You and brainscan got into a very, very long tweak but for the most part, the very front end of the thread is all that matters for most of us. There is a bit on page 8 that is useful too.

The only problem I have is that once I get my RAMPS flashed from Arduino and I have the perfect offset for my head's Z coordinate (.2mm gap when I issue a G1 Z0), every different slicer treats it differently. I've started an Excel sheet just to track it. I have to adjust the Z offset manually in each and every slicer. In a way it negates the time savings of having autolevel as I now spend an hour with each slicer tweaking the Z offset, testing a print, quitting it, adjusting again, printing, see where I'm going...until I have it. I was wondering why they don't read the configuration.h file correctly?

I wish I could settle on one slicer and be done with it but they all just have behaviors that are beneficial from job to job. I recently bought Simplyify3D and like it but I still get a cleaner print out of KissSlicer, the cleanest printing slicer I've every configured. So, I had Simplify3D all configured and had my Z offset manually tweaked and perfect and I go to print. Well, the print just wasn't clean. So, I stop and go back to Kisslicer. I find that the Z offset is not not correct so I spend an hour to get it correct and get a good print.

Sorry to meander, but my point is, until I can figure out a way to have ALL slicers trust the Z offset from the configuration.h file and know that all slicers will respect it, I'm not garnering any time savings with autolevel. I hope I can solve this as autolevel seems like it can "be the bomb." But for now, it's just as tedious as hand leveling the bed with corner bolts.