Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
love the printer. Whenever a print works it works perfectly.

Hate the makerbot software. Just zero layer control.

My problems are simply getting thing to stick to anything without a raft. Not sure if it's me or the software.
for the vast majority of prints - rafts are just not suitable as removing prints from them can be night on impossible.

What annoys me is the raft prints nice and slow with slightly extra extrusion. But the makwerware software doesn't give me any options to set the same settings for my first layers without raft.

It's extremely annoying.
I know the printer will print at 15cms - I accidentally set it on that for a large cone (the only things I've succesfully printed and removed from a raft). But in order to get anything to stick to anything without a raft I have to use really really slow print settings and cross my fingers.

So yep - thoroughtly recommend the printer (got a creator x dual head) but just a shame they ripped off makerbot and not ultimaker. As cura is the software I really want to use.

I'll get there :-)

here's what the machine can do when you get lucky. 0.2mm z resolution, 40mms speed.


An almost perfect heartbox.


This is how it came out of the printer. No stringing, perfect bridging. Just a slight curl at the point of the heart. I had to cut about 3 mm to release the central hinge. But otherwise about as good as you could hope for.


I haven't managed to get anything to stick to kapton since.
That said I haven't really had much time to sit down and seriously tune the beast. But just jnowing if I can get the first couple layers to stick to the print bed I can print anything - no matter how complex is a real comfort. Great printer, lousy software. But I'm working on that :-)
The kapton is just a low level setting, I have the nozzle practically scraping the plate when I do raftless, but that example heart box?? man I struggled to print that and get my printer right, but its a good calibration test thats for sure!

As for makerware, you can adjust the settings for the raft etc with a profile editor


I hear you with cura, pisses me off, looks nice, works great but can't talk to my machine.