Bed adhesion suggestions beyond gmay3's points -

You might post a bottom view of one of the prints so we can see how your first layer is coming out. Have they improved from your initial post?

I learned to let the heat bed soak at temperature for a while - maybe 5 minutes before enabling a print. That likely helps the heat soak through the glass. My adhesion failures with PLA have frequently been when I've skipped this soak time.

Did you reverse the hot end fan like you thought you might? I face the fan airflow forward too, but I found the MakerFarm fan does create a draft over the forward side of the heat bed that was creating problems on least large prints. The forward side of the print would tend to lift and curl up. I initially just added a piece of painters tape along the bottom side of the fan to help deflect the airflow off the heat bed. I've also ditched the strong and overly loud fan Makerfarm provided for a slower, quieter one. It puts through less air, but it's till cooling the hot end while not creating as much draft over the heat bed. Finally, I also now let the heat bed soak with the Y-bed pushed all the way back. That allows any draft from the hot end fan to clear the heat bed.