This may or may not help you. But it will give you a little bit of perspective. With PLA, I typically print at about 195. If you raise the nozzle 50 or 75 mm above the bed so you have some room, you may want to try this. Set the temperature to a point where you can manually extrude some material without using a lot of force. By manually, I mean turn all the stepper motors off (big button in the upper left of PronterFace) and gently turn the extruder gear. Then, raise the temperature 10 degrees and let things stabilize. Turn the gear again by hand. Perhaps repeat this process a couple more times at 210 and 220 degrees.

You will see and feel a couple of things. First, the filament almost starts to squirt out as the temperature gets too high for PLA. And you will feel the extruder gear requiring less force to turn as the temperature goes up. You may have a clogged up nozzle. I don't know, but most of the problems are pretty simple if you can get to root cause. It is figuring out what is wrong that is difficult.

You can print at the higher temperatures, but the filament doesn't hold its shape and the object you are making gets pretty poorly defined.