I know that my bed is not level again.... not sure how come as it was. I went to print a file last night and first the extruder was clogged so had to clean it, and then when I got it all going again it started to print and on one side of the bed (Where the first of two parts were located) it was printing first pass fine... then the corner closest to home was too low compared to the rest of the bed when it went to print the second part.... I stopped the print. Cleaned the glass and got ready to start over. I leveled the bed again (There has to be a better way) and all was good to go. Went to grab some fast food and come back. Machine had been sitting at the home position. Stupid me... I did not check it and the Z endstop had rotated some and it made it read like it needed to be lower. When it when and started I was way to low. It seems to move often if I leave it on the endstop no mater how much I tighten it. I agree that I need to do something with that piece specifically. Then I set it to print, and worked on a home I am designing for someone. When I got done, I headed into the bedroom to get ready for bed, and leave the printer going all night.... Guess something happened in there as it had a Y axis shift about halfway through the part. Now the parts are junk, and the shift was about an inch. When you are printing a flat door with reliefs and windows in it, it really shows and it was ugly. Got to figure out what happened there.