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  1. #1

    New member with print issue

    Hi everyone,I am new to this forum, I just joined today. My name is Jared.I joined because I have an issue with my 3d printer that I cannot seem to figure out. I need some help. Here is the data. I have an Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro with Giantarm PLA filament. Color is silk silver. Slicing software is Elegoo Cura. Profile is 0.2 and infill is 10 percent. Temperature settings are 200C for the extruder and 60C for the build plate. I have not had issues with the printer until a few days ago when I started to get "spongy" prints as I call them. Every time the extruder gets to a certain height, the print gets "spongy." This has happened with a print 7 times in a row, all failed and had to be aborted due to the "sponge" issue. Even with different infill settings this problem is coming up a lot. I am at a loss of what to do.I am attempting to upload a picture of one of the failed prints. Can someone please help me figure this out? How do I fix this?If you need more data, I will give it.Regards,Jared3d print.jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Try increasing infill to 20%.
    Hard to see what the actual print is from pic.

  3. #3
    With all due respect, I have tried different infill settings, up to 100 percent. This issue still crops up. Ill try 20 percent again if you need me to, though.

    We are trying to print segments to a special chess board, by the way.

    Do I need to upload a better picture? Will that help?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Bowden tube deteriorated at the hot end and not sealing properly or perhaps a partially clogged nozzle.

    Try a different PLA, I recall seeing somewhere on Youtube that silk Pla comes with its own quirks as regards settings.

  5. #5
    I think you could be right about it being silk PLA, I remember reading that as well. I know its not the nozzle, i replaced it recently. I do not know what a "Bowden tube" is, to be honest.

    Thanks for the help and suggestions, I will try a different non silk filament and report back.


  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    The bowden tube is the plastic tube usually white PTFE, that the filament runs in from the reel to the extruder and or the hot end, and the end where it gets hot deteriorates and causes problems with melted filament leaking above the nozzle, the same thing happens if the end is not cut square.

    If one is not already fitted, an all metal hot end with a proper heat break is a lot more hassle free and not prone to heat creep.

  7. #7
    Just letting you all know I have isolated the cause of the issue, and it was not the printer. Its the fact that its silk PLA filament. I decided to do the exact same print with a different non silk PLA filament, and it printed perfectly.

    I guess I need to figure out the correct settings for silk PLA.

    Thanks for the help!


    Successful Print.jpg

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