well anything thing can be done with enough time, money and information. More than likely you could use a 3d printer to make it but as I said, you need to know what is possible and how to go about it when using the 3d printer. That means making design compromises to all it to work with the fabrication method. More than likely print the unit in multiple pieces and gluing/bonding or using mechanical fasteners to assemble it. Or possibly combining a custom designed part with a store bought part.
If you are interested in 3d printing, leaning CAD design and are mechanically inclined, it is a great skill set to develop. If you would rather be out on a Bike than sitting in front of a monitor it may not be for you. Inexpensive printers are limited in the type of filament they can pint and now well they work. It's like any other tool, the $200$ Table saw will work, but that $1000 one work better and easier.. Maybe just eat a banana before you go and when you get back ;-)