Actually, orientation and such is so far down the road. I'm just trying to get a good first layer that will stick worth a damn.

Yes to the open top.

I stole the model from I wanted to make something practical, and simple. I had it big side down just for the sake of more surface area to hopfully stick the thing better. If I figure out how to get a descent adhesion, then I will optmize the print. But, the priority at the moment is a good layer 1.

Thanks for the reply. I'll report back. Stupid me... the PEI had a thin film on it that needed removed. Since it was my first time at this kind of plate, I had no idea what the surface was supposed to feel like. It made much more sense when I peeled off the film. It is about 15m in, and its still going. I see some other issues with some dribbling and such, which I think has to do with the nozzle temp being a bit too high. I'll fiddle with that if the thing finishes, and actually stuck well.

Thanks again,