lol. Blender and Zbrush are my main goto software for 3d modeling. They are not easy programs to master but they are incredibly powerful for 3d modeling. Not for the timid (they are challenging to learn if you have not done 3d modeling before) or for anyone that doesn't have a few years to dive deep into them though you can pick up the basics in a few days/weeks.

These are the two main software I use for my cnc pattern making and now 3d printing model making.

Blender is a full on 3d suite. It can 3d model, digital sculpting, VFX, compositing, animation, sound editor, video editor, physics simulator, cloth simulator, water/fire simulator,...I am probably forgetting a bunch more.

Zbrush is the industry standard for digital sculpting.

Both maybe a little overkill for just adding text but they are a ton of fun.