Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
lose the {machine_width}
And in fact, replace everything in {} curly brackets with actual numbers.
I'm guessing that was in the bit you copied, but you were meant to replace it with an actual number.

Could be wrong, but I've only ever put numbers in gcode for slicers.

expecting the slicer to go and find the requisite numbers for itself, might be a bit of a stretch :-)
Thanks, you've pointed me in the right direction.
I removed the curly brackets completely and just put a number in.

Just done a very small trial print and it worked okay, the only part not printed is the purge line from where it stops printing it on the LH side to the actul skirt.

It did seem to print quicker than the Qidi sliced print, too warm to remove to check the finish yet.