There's a set of plans on eBay, that appears to be the right aircraft. This provides quality images that could be used in a 3D modeling program such as Fusion 360 or Rhino3D to create the bulkheads and to loft the body around the bulkheads. The quality of your images suggest that the plans you have would make things more difficult than necessary. I also found a free download for various aircraft, including this one or a variant thereof: As Bikeracer2020 suggests, a 3D model isn't likely to be a flying model, but I think with a good set of plans and a skilled 3D modeling person, one could create a file or set of files to be printed. The first part alone is likely to be costly, as the model designer is going to expect compensation for his time. On the flip side, if you take the time to learn, even the free version (hobbyist) of Fusion 360, you'd be able to save that bundle of bucks. In real world figures, the price for a model designer can easily exceed the cost of buying a 3D printer. If you want to pursue finding a designer and get some interesting prices, consider to check out the Reddit sub at I assisted a boat modeler who found an operation to convert plans of a ferry boat that plied the Great Lakes, specifically the Erie Canal. He provided me with a set of STL files from those plans and I built for him a 55" long replica. It took me six months and cost him a bundle, more for his STL conversion than for my printing, but neither was cheap. If you decide to continue with your project, I hope you'll post your progress and I wish you great luck.