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Thread: My First CoreXY

  1. #161
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    The rocket prints single wall vase mode. I am having success turning up the fan speed from 50% to 100% on the 4020 fan with the specific duct from Bondtech. I am now able to print the rocket perfectly in 1hr 57min start to finish. Flawless. And that is including time to warm the heaters. I am gonna print it faster and faster and see how quick I can make it. 0.8mm nozzle dia. 0.6mm layers. 600mm build height.

    And I might have to make a pinball cabinet. Your build looks like a lot of fun.

  2. #162
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    just one question.

    Why are you building a 1950's science fiction rocket fleet ?

    I need to know :-)

    The cabinet is a lot smaller than it looks. It's pretty weird. Sort of a reverse tardis. Looks bigger on the outside than it is oin the inside :-)

    Total length is 1040mm, 460mm wide.
    400mm tall at the back and 300 at the front.

    Being able to include all the holes for buttons in the print would save a lot of hassle.
    Drilling 24 & 32mm holes in plywood isn't that easy.

    And a printed arcade controller panel would save a lot of messing about. particularly as you could include labes for the buttons.
    At the moment I just remember what they all do. :-)

    But at some point, when I've made a hole cutting device, I want to print an overlay that I'll laminate and glue on.

    I just addded volume control buttons to the panel, so I think it's finished. Can't think of anything else that might need to be added.
    The buttons will be connected to a usb souindcard, which I'll plug the speakers into.
    And that will give me volume control independnt of the windows software control.
    mainly because a lot of the arcade games have their own preset volume and nothing you set in windows has any effect :-)
    And while my speakers were a mere £15 and are powered by a usb plug - damn they go loud !
    Also great clarity. Bloody amazing for both the cost and power usage.
    Whether the actual cabinet is acting as a giant sounding box - I have no idea.
    But they are way way louder and clearer than they have any right to be.

    Now i know you wouldn't build anything as cheap and cheerful as I have :-)
    But I have all the links to stuff I bought from aliexpress :-)

    As well as what worked and what did not.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 06-27-2022 at 09:36 AM.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    just one question.

    Why are you building a 1950's science fiction rocket fleet ?

    I need to know :-)
    This is a big printer and that rocket is my new benchy. I am using it to tune my settings. Here is the last one I printed in 1hr 47min start to finish including time for the heaters to warm up..

    The rocket for mega scaling can be downloaded right here: Single-Perimeter Rocket for Seamless Spiral Printing by mech-G - Thingiverse

  4. #164
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    You couldn't just print a tall thin totem pole type thing ?So what are you doing with all the rockets ?

  5. #165
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    Well I gave some of them away to anybody I knew that liked or wanted one. And that was nice.

    But then I realized they are about the same diameter as a pigskin and surprisingly lightweight. So now I just throw them at my children when I want their attention. Saves me from having to yell.

  6. #166
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    well, it'd take a decent sized motor, but no reason you couldn't actually launch them :-)Given cape canaveral isn't launching at the moment. You could become the next tourist hotspot :-)I reckon a c or a d should get it airbourne !Had a look and you'd want a d or an e category engine :-)They'll lift 10 to 14 ounces.280 - 400.ish grams.You just need a cylindrical chamber in the base to load the motor, a clip to hold it in (easily made from a paperclip), couple of side loops for a guidance rod, a length of slow canon fuse and a fast kid with a match :-)And Buck Rogers flies again !
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-12-2022 at 10:52 AM.

  7. #167
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    I can not do that at this point in my skill level with the 3d design software. If you can correct the model for me, I will print it and buy the motor and make it fly on HD video, upload it to youtube, and link it here. I scale it to 590mm on Z and before you scale it you need to remove 0.2mm from the bottom. There is a flaw in the model and when we scale it up it becomes noticeable and there are missed spots at the first layer or two so we need to just remove the slightest amount and we get a good print. I am not capable of even this. I know it is really far off-topic but check out the fun I was having with this Jeep Trackhawk I converted to run on the E85:

  8. #168
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    what ?
    I've seen all the bits you've made for your various printers, I'd say your design skills are better than mine.

    I've actually got a rocket model i did as part of an openscad demo/tutorial that even has offset fins to add a stabilising spin in flight.

    I can resize and modify that, no problem.

    Or bung the link to the stl you're using and I can have a go at modifying that as well :-)

    Traditionally model rockets tops pops off and they drift gentl;y to earth on a parachute.

    I'm assuming we're just going to go for a full crash and burn approach to landing.

    Guide rod needs to be.
    Needs to be at least as tall as the rocket - preferable a little taller, also needs to be anchored.
    Maybe 4-5mm steel rod a metre long should do it.
    You can bang a foot or so into the ground.

    Last thing we want is the rocket to go off sideways and take someone out.

    With the angled fins, it ought to land nose first and shatter :-)
    Or maybe not, pla is tough stuff.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-26-2022 at 08:50 AM.

  9. #169
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    right. done a rocket like the one you print but with fines set to cause spin during flight.

    whats the actual height and main diameter of the one you print ?
    Think I've got the shape about right.

    And I'll add some guides and a motor recess.

    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-26-2022 at 08:45 AM.

  10. #170
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Hmm have to reattach the other two pics

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