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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by fred_dot_u View Post
    Your english is doing just fine.The process I used is adaptable to any shape and is called boolean subtract. One creates the primary shape, then the secondary shape (cylinders in an array) is created in such a manner as to meet your requirements. The two are "booleaned" which is not really a word and the result is as you have seen in my images.Vertical cylinders are easily printed, horizontal versions are much more difficult.I think the challenge is to create the subtractive array to meet your requirements.
    This was actually my first attempt to tackle the challenge, too, but with holes smaller than a millimeter the Software couldn't handle it at some point. Furthermore, the 3D Printer has to be able to print it. That's why I switched to doing it via the Slicer. It kind of works with the lines infill and no walls, but it's just not good enough.

  2. #12
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The small size of the holes would require a resin printer, rather than a filament printer.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by fred_dot_u View Post
    The small size of the holes would require a resin printer, rather than a filament printer.
    technically yes, but we are stuck with a filament printer on this project. There might not be a perfect solution to this, but I am sure there is one that will work to some degree. I just have to think a little more outside the box.

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