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  1. #1

    Unhappy Not sure why my prints are coming out like this - CREALITY CR10 V3

    I've recently bought a Creality cr10 v3 and have been playing about with it, the first 5 or so prints came out perfect then a few things started to go a bit weird.
    This print happened and after some googling I came to the conclusion it could be the bed levelling. We hadn't installed our BLTouch yet so I went ahead and did that and recalibrated the z-offset.


    Once I'd done this I tried to print again and there seemed to be a new issue...


    The difficulty I'm having is trying to accurately describe what's going wrong with the prints in order to be able to google a solution.
    As i'm very new to this it's all very confusing, any help would be very much appriciated!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I'd say your calibration is off.

    Unless you change the bed levelling nuts to nylock locking nuts, this is going to be a permament and ongoing issue.
    The bl touch won't make any differece either.

    A probe DOES NOT level the bed, it just maps the inconsistencies, which as they are constantly changing as the standard nuts move about - is nowhere near as useful as all these youtubers tell you it is.

    If you change to locking nuts, once you've got a good calibration - it stays calibrated almost indefinitely.

    A bltouch and other bed measuring systems are only of any use if you have a non-flat bed.
    And a flat piece of glass is a much better option that a measuring tool.

    Looking at the prints, I'd say you're probably too far from the bed or too close (weirdly, both can produce the same results), and looking at the second print, it's either badly unlevel, or not properly flat as well as being badly calibrated.

    Use a single sheet of 80-90gms paper.
    Remove filament and heat the nozzle to 200c.
    Calibrate to where the paper can still be slid under the nozzle, but there is noticeable friction.

    And make sure the friction is the same at all 5 points.

    If you find it impossible to match the centre of the plate with the corners. Then, most likely the bed itself is not flat.

    It costs creality less money to give people cheap bltouch clones, than to source a quality and properly flat bed.

    And creality will always go with profit over quality control.

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