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  1. #1
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    Oct 2013

    MakerBot Tries to Patent Quick-Release Extruder, Internet Fights Back

    This is a developing story, one which is creating quite a stir. Makerbot, the consumer based 3D printer brand, now owned by Stratasys, has filed for a patent many months ago for a Quick-release extruder. Makerbot use to be an open source company until Stratasys purchased them for over $400 million. Now, the internet is up in arms as they claim, rightfully so, that the extruder design actually belongs with the creative commons, and was developed by 3 Thingiverse users, whpthomas, emmett, and whosawhatsis. Here is a link to a Google+ post made by one of the 3 designers, in which he brings up the fact that Makerbot is trying to steal their work and patent it as their own: . Here is an image of the quick release extruder in question:

    It will be very interesting to see if the patent is actually awarded to Makerbot and Stratasys, or if they reject the filing. It is interesting to note that recent changes to the patent filing system can still award a patent if a design was previously in use. Instead of 'first to invent,' they now award more for 'first-to-file'. What are your guy's opinions on all this?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedSox2013 View Post
    This is a developing story, one which is creating quite a stir. Makerbot, the consumer based 3D printer brand, now owned by Stratasys, has filed for a patent many months ago for a Quick-release extruder. Makerbot use to be an open source company until Stratasys purchased them for over $400 million. Now, the internet is up in arms as they claim, rightfully so, that the extruder design actually belongs with the creative commons, and was developed by 3 Thingiverse users, whpthomas, emmett, and whosawhatsis. Here is a link to a Google+ post made by one of the 3 designers, in which he brings up the fact that Makerbot is trying to steal their work and patent it as their own: . Here is an image of the quick release extruder in question:

    It will be very interesting to see if the patent is actually awarded to Makerbot and Stratasys, or if they reject the filing. It is interesting to note that recent changes to the patent filing system can still award a patent if a design was previously in use. Instead of 'first to invent,' they now award more for 'first-to-file'. What are your guy's opinions on all this?
    Precisely the reason the only things I post on there now are things like Star Wars related models - good luck patenting that.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

  3. #3
    Technologist MeoWorks's Avatar
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    I hope the hate destroys them! This makes me so upset, how dare they patent someone else's work? Greedy...

    They need to remember where they came from. Here's hoping their ego gets the better of them and they release subpar printers...oh wait...

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    MakerBot is going to quietly drop this patent filing like it never existed... You won't hear anything on this topic from them ever again.

  5. #5
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    I've been trying to stay out of these discussions as I know there are a lot of makerbot fans here and don't really want to get into flame wars with them. However, the recent patent filing revelations are getting my ire up once again. The best way to show our disgust for makerbot greed is to stop buying and using their products. Please support open source printing. Printrbot, Tantillus, Lulzbot, Mendel90, and many others continue to embrace these ideals. There are also many other companies selling open source parts and kits such as MakerFarm and others selling Prusa designs.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KDog View Post
    I've been trying to stay out of these discussions as I know there are a lot of makerbot fans here and don't really want to get into flame wars with them. However, the recent patent filing revelations are getting my ire up once again. The best way to show our disgust for makerbot greed is to stop buying and using their products. Please support open source printing. Printrbot, Tantillus, Lulzbot, Mendel90, and many others continue to embrace these ideals. There are also many other companies selling open source parts and kits such as MakerFarm and others selling Prusa designs.
    Agreed to everything you said... But it isn't something we need to get too worried about right now. The Patent Office isn't going to take their word that they invented the thing in the Patent filing. They are going to check for prior art and I suspect they are going to find it.

  7. #7
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    The inventors should get a lawyer on the horn and get a slander of title lawsuit going.

  8. #8
    Makerbot is really taking a ton of heat. Just when you think it is dying down, there are a bunch of people starting new crap. More and more media outlets are picking up on this as well. I truthfully don't think Makerbot has done anything wrong. There were designs out there without corresponding patents. If not claimed, they should be able to claim them, as protection from other companies that might jump in and do it.

  9. #9
    Engineer-in-Training MysteryAlabaster's Avatar
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    God Bre... What have you done...

  10. #10
    Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons_Blood View Post
    If not claimed, they should be able to claim them, as protection from other companies that might jump in and do it.
    No, they shouldn't. They did not invent the designs, so they should have no claim on them and neither should the other companies.

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